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We got a job!
Well, Tanya got a job so I guess I can say we got a job--and in the southern California depression job market this rates at least a relieved cheer! ('Cause if you didn't know--nobody's hiring!)
I'm putting this news on my Ahimsaland blog because I am profoundly grateful to chance, fate, luck, karma, Fortune or the Cosmic Scorekeeper and Tanya--whoever or whatever!
It looks like we'll have our computer, our telephone connection for these blogs and our apartment for a while longer--we will not be homeless--and please San Martin Caballero or whoever is in charge of economics--please help end the landlord's greed and help ALL the homeless.
Work with good pay for everybody, please.
Well, Tanya got a job so I guess I can say we got a job--and in the southern California depression job market this rates at least a relieved cheer! ('Cause if you didn't know--nobody's hiring!)
I'm putting this news on my Ahimsaland blog because I am profoundly grateful to chance, fate, luck, karma, Fortune or the Cosmic Scorekeeper and Tanya--whoever or whatever!
It looks like we'll have our computer, our telephone connection for these blogs and our apartment for a while longer--we will not be homeless--and please San Martin Caballero or whoever is in charge of economics--please help end the landlord's greed and help ALL the homeless.
Work with good pay for everybody, please.
Tomasito, 2009
Very nice shot- the clouds are so huge and swirly- and wonderful to hear you've found employ- money coming in is indeed a great thing- indeed a calming effect.
You said it. ($)
Being a volunteer is good too because you can try new things at a very basic level--but it is nice when professionals are paid for their work!
We have made a few friends in the short time we have lived here but two of our new friends have lost their jobs--one was a music teacher in a Christian elementary school for 16 years and the other was one of the first people we met in Escondido--the secretary-clerk at a self-storage place where we stored our stuff until we could find an apartment--she had also been there for years.
Both of them were fired without warning and without compensation for all their years of work--just OUT.
Shops have old "NOW HIRING" signs in their windows but they lie--they are not.
Good workers are being fired left and right--it is not pleasant even for an optimist.
Yes, sometimes the clouds cooperate nicely when I have a camera in my hands.
Thanks for your comment TW
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