Thursday, April 2, 2009

Serbian Orthodox Chirch

Saint Petka Serbian Orthodox Church, San Marcos, CA.
(Tanya photo, 2009)

We were searching for a WalMart store the other day and accidentally discovered this very lovely Serbian Orthodox church.

The church was closed and locked on this week-day, but one of the Serbian priests saw us on the grounds and cordially invited us to enter the sanctuary where we took some photographs and absorbed the good vibrations.

It is very interesting, isn't it, how people from all over the world have immigrated to the United States and become citizens and yet have kept some of their ancestral traditions
, language, culture and architecture intact.

In this building it struck me again how anyone from an Orthodox Christian background would feel right at home in this church--from the
pleasant odor of incense to the decorations and silence--this would be a satisfying touch of the old country for any religious Greek, Russian or Serbian.

Because of my pilgrimage to Greece and my time of residence in Russia, I felt right at home too.

Tomasito, 2009



Ignazio Salvatore Basile said...

I enjoyed very much your blog and your posts, especially the one on the Orthodox Church and the wonderful fiugure of Marion, the Mother of our beloved Jesus. I'm Catholic but I respect all forms of religion and also good men who don't believe God does exist. I've composed the Poem of Creation which is a Bible synthesized into verses and rhymes and other poems and novels that I'm posting as soon as I translate them form italian into english. I hope you 'll want to take a look on them when you have some time. Best greetings Albix

Thomas Wold said...

Hello. Albix,

I read your blog a bit. Very impressive--I will return to it soon.

Thank you for the kind remarks about my postings.

Good work.